Who is Pocket Pimped?
How it began:
Pocket Pimped began as an idea to help medical students and junior residents decipher the most common “need-to-know” concepts in orthopedic surgery. After having a new batch of students starting their sub-internships at our orthopedic surgery residency, we found ourselves laughing about how we always ask the same questions, year after year. The conversation carried to how our attendings ask the same questions, predictable to the point where we could tell you the questions you’re going to be asked prior to walking in to the OR, and in most cases in the correct order in which they will occur. While retrospectively as a senior resident who had endured this questioning style through firsthand experience, it was evident that the medical student or junior resident has not. While we find it important, we believe a more effective learning style could be achieved. It is not hard to realize that the medical student and junior resident struggle to decipher what’s important, and even furthermore, to know what your attending or resident thinks is important. With so many resources out there, and hundreds of thousands of textbook pages pertaining to orthopedic surgery, where do you start? We began conversing about how we had whished there was a book concise enough to tell you not only what you need to know, and which topics were important to study about, but tell you which questions you’re going to be asked. We remember scouring the internet for pimp questions trying to figure out what was important. As senior residents, we agreed that such a resource would have been invaluable during our sub-internships and early years of residency. Thus, the idea of Pocket Pimped: Orthopedic Surgery was born. At its outset, we began drafting a book which collectively places these important questions and answers into a single resource, not to minimize the experience of learning through being pimped, but rather to provide a foundation from which to build a solid orthopedic knowledge base.
Design of the book:
Pocket Pimped: Orthopedic Surgery was a collaborative effort from more than 14 fellowship trained orthopedic surgeons throughout the United States, all of whom work directly with medical students and residents. Spearheaded by two orthopedic residents, Drs. David B. Johnson Jr. and Jacob J. Triplet, Pocket Pimped: Orthopedic Surgery is a pocket-sized book of MUST KNOW information. It’s designed to not only help you nail the questions you’re going to get asked, but also streamline your studying to what’s important. This book is designed in a question and answer format, and fits perfectly in your scrub or white coat pocket. It's designed to be a professional orthopedic resource and minimize the unprofessional appearance of “being on your phone.”
The book is formatted by body region, head-to-toe, for easy referencing. Each section is divided into specialty (trauma, sports, adult reconstruction, etc…), and the questions are sequentially numbered for easy studying. The content page at the beginning of the book provides a detailed and easy-to-reference outline of the book, providing the page number for the reader to immediately turn to when needed.
The goal of the book:
Pocket Pimped: Orthopedic Surgery is designed for you! The purpose of this book is to help the medical student who is trying to match into an orthopedic surgery residency. It is designed for the junior resident to know which questions will likely be asked by your senior resident or attending before walking into the case. The goal of this book is continued education in a streamlined easy-to-reference format. We believe that you will succeed with the Pocket Pimped Advantage!